Monday, July 2, 2012

Good morning Switzerland

When we arrived yesterday there was a lot of cloud cover and it had been raining on and off all day. Thus, we couldn't see the mountains very clearly. Last night brought in another thunderstorm. Lots of lightening that lit up the sky quite beautifully.

When we woke up this morning there was still a lot of cloud cover, but we did get a better view of the mountains. The first photo is literally the view from my pillow. Then I sat up and took the second photo. The run off from the storms and glacial melt is unreal. There are waterfalls streaming down the mountain everywhere you look.
The frequent rain and glacial melt has the rivers running very fast. The interesting thing is the river water is almost white. It is sort of this murky or cloudy gray. I spoke with our host about this and he said it is a combination of the glacial melt and the soft rock in the mountains that erode. That made me think there wouldn't be any fish in the rivers. According to Tim, there are some fish. He didn't know the species off the top of his head, but said many locals do fish them.

I think today will be a lazy day of rest and exploring Gimmelwald. We're expecting more rain and clouds throughout the day. However, tomorrow is looking like a great day to do a little hiking and exploring.

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